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John Hamill, rođen u Dublinu, sada stanuje u Velikoj Gorici. Ovaj irski Turopoljac je rastao uz Beatles, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Rory Gallagher i David Bowie, između ostalih. I još ih voli i sluša, kao i
nove bendove: Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, The Killers i mnoge druge. Očito je, dakle, da on voli
različitu vrstu muzike, od baroka do rocka. John pjeva i svira gitaru u različite žanrove – od irskih
balada, rocka, alternative, grungea do, naravno, bluesa.

John Hamill, born in Dublin, now lives in Velika Gorica. This Irish Turopoljac grew up listening to the
Beatles, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Rory Gallagher and David Bowie, among others. And he still likes
and listens to them, along with newer bands: Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, The Killers and many
more. It is clear then, that his tastes are varied – from Baroque to Rock. John sings and plays guitar
and his repertoire extends from Irish ballads, through rock, alternative, and grunge to, naturally, the

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